We invite you to join with us every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. for our service of praise and celebration. Our services are fashioned to be uplifting, celebrative and Christ-centered. Each week we gather as God’s family to lift up our souls and voices in joyful adoration of the Risen Lord who is among us by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that worship is both a sacred privilege and responsibility. We invite you to make worship a worthwhile habit in your Christian life. Come and be a part of the family. This is a place just for you!
Each week our morning worship services are inspired by Christ-centred, Spirit-filled music which blends traditional hymns, old-time gospel favourites and contemporary songs. Our worship is often enriched by special music provided by Minto members or singers from the community.
Minto’s ministry to children has always been one of our priorities. Faith development in children is a combined endeavour between parents, our Sunday School and the children who are entrusted to our care week by week. It is our intention to provide a creative, safe and loving learning environment where children can discover God’s love as revealed through God’s Son – Jesus. There will be crafts, stories, discussions, games, snacks and lots of fun.
Children and youth gather in the sanctuary for the first part of the worship service. As you follow the Order of Service you will see when the children are invited to leave for their programs.
Tots – Grade 5 meet in the Lower Christian Education Building
A guide to the class locations can be found at the Information Desk in the main lobby.
Parents with little ones are welcome to use our Nursery. The Church Service is “piped” into the nursery for your convenience. And, the big comfy chairs are there for your comfort! Please give it a try.
All are welcome at Minto. Our goal is to help you grow in your faith as much as possible. Often, we invite everyone to remain for coffee, juice and great fellowship in the Main Lobby near the front doors or join us for a potluck brunch, where we share sandwiches, fruit, sweets and friendship.